Best Sample Questionnaire for Training Needs Assessment & Training Evaluation

Learning How to Create Effective Training Surveys 

Training Needs QuestionnaireDeveloping a training program isn’t just about imparting knowledge; it’s about ensuring it hits the right notes with your team. That’s where the importance of a tailored training and development questionnaire comes in.

Training surveys help you understand your training audience’s needs, so you can make the learning journey educational, exciting and enriching for everyone.

We’re here to guide you through the process, offering insights on formulating engaging questions, choosing the right question formats, and deciphering the feedback received. Our goal is to transform mundane surveys into dynamic tools that not only gauge learning but also inspire growth and development.

Looking for a quick summary? You’ll find one next. Want to dig into more detail? Keep going, and you’ll find more to read about training needs analysis methods and surveys. 

Quick Summary

Why is a Training and Development Questionnaire Important?

Before and after conducting employee training, it is crucial to gather feedback through a comprehensive training needs assessment (TNA). This process extends beyond merely distributing training questionnaires to employees. It’s helpful to use a training needs analysis template for this purpose.

The feedback obtained from training assessment template surveys acts as a direct source of information, enabling organizations to identify precise training requirements, ensuring training programs remain relevant and impactful.

A training survey plays a pivotal role at different stages, offering valuable insights. A training survey, specifically designed for employees, assists in identifying pertinent training topics for planning and implementation. Post-training, a questionnaire given to trainees provides essential feedback, indicating if training objectives were met and suggesting potential improvements for enhanced effectiveness.

Types of Training Surveys

There are two primary types of surveys prevalent in training:

  1. Training Needs Questionnaire (given before training)
  2. Training Evaluation Questionnaire (given after training)

These questionnaires serve as integral components of the training process, initiating with needs analysis and concluding with training evaluation, ensuring a holistic understanding of training requirements and program success. Further exploration of these assessment forms follows.

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Training Need Analysis Questionnaire

A training needs assessment questionnaire is an essential tool used at the onset of any training planning process. These questionnaires serve to identify specific areas where training is necessary to enhance skills and knowledge within an organization.

For instance, a needs assessment questionnaire for employees might assess technical knowledge before implementing new software, indicating the need for training if deficiencies are found. Similarly, questionnaires directed at executives focus on performance metrics, pinpointing areas where training can bridge knowledge gaps.

These surveys are vital in change management initiatives, helping determine the necessary training levels to successfully transition employees to the future state.

Designed to align employee skills with organizational objectives, these surveys form the foundation for targeted and effective training programs, ensuring seamless skill development and goal achievement.

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Training Evaluation Questionnaire

A training evaluation questionnaire, distinct from the training needs assessment form, is administered after the completion of training sessions. Unlike the former, which aids in planning and prioritizing training topics, this questionnaire assesses the training delivery’s effectiveness and its alignment with predetermined goals.

Administered immediately at the end of the training session, this post-training assessment form captures participants’ immediate impressions while the material is fresh in their minds. This timing not only ensures prompt feedback but also increases survey participation rates, as attendees are more likely to respond before dispersing. 

Tips for Creating an Effective Training and Development Questionnaire

When creating a training and development questionnaire or training survey, customization and ease of use are key factors. Tailoring the survey to the specific audience is essential; generic templates should be personalized to ensure relevance.

Cloud-based survey platforms, like the one in OCMS Portal, are ideal for easy accessibility, allowing respondents to fill out surveys conveniently, with the added advantage of simplified data management through downloadable, collated results in formats like Excel.

OCMS Portal’s Training Assessment Form Reports

Training Assessment Form

Learn more about the Training Development and Management Tool in OCMS Portal

Additionally, designing the survey with tracking and charting in mind enhances its analytical potential. Incorporating multiple-choice questions aids in graphing responses, providing visual insights crucial for identifying necessary actions from the assessment.

Various question formats are valuable in these surveys, including:

  • Open-ended questions encouraging detailed responses
  • Multiple-choice questions facilitating graphical analysis
  • Likert Scale questions gauging respondent agreement levels
  • Rating scales suitable for post-training evaluations

Looking for questions for training evaluation and training needs assessment formats? Jump to example training survey questions.

Summary Conclusion – Training Questionnaire Format, Questions & Tips

It’s vital to remember the value of feedback in every step of training development. Whether you’re planning a training program or after it’s been delivered, gathering insights through training needs analysis methods and post-training surveys is key.

The training needs analysis questionnaire keeps your training goals focused and on target, while post-training surveys ensure those objectives are met effectively. We hope this summary of training and development questionnaire questions proves beneficial as you empower your team with valuable skills and knowledge.

If you’re looking for more information on developing training questionnaires, please continue reading.

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Everything You Need Including Top Manager & Employee Training Survey Questions You Can Use

Are you looking for some good training needs assessment (TNA) sample questions that you can use when conducting a needs assessment for training? Wish you could find a post-training assessment form for managers and employees? Need help with your training needs assessment format for a training survey?

If you answered “yes” to any of those training survey questions, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll find multiple questions to use in a training assessment template questionnaire, for free.

You’ll also find details on training needs analysis methods and how to identify employee training needs using a training needs assessment form for employees, managers, and executives.

Plus… if you’ve been looking for a good training management and training assessment template, we’ve got some details on OCM Solution’s #1 tool for managing training plans and conducting a needs analysis.

example of a training needs analysis questionnaire

Before and also after you conduct employee training, it’s important to get feedback using a training needs assessment (TNA). But conducting a needs analysis or post training evaluation doesn’t mean only sending training questionnaires to employees.

Depending on your purpose for a training questionnaire, while conducting a needs analysis you may need to direct questions to multiple levels of an organization. A TNA questionnaire may be given to employees, managers, executives, trainers, or anyone else involved with training. You’ll also need to use questionnaire training needs assessment sample questions meant for managers or other leaders.

One of the best ways on how to identify employee training needs is through a needs assessment in training and development. There is nothing like getting feedback directly from “the horse’s mouth.” When asking training needs assessment questions to employees, you often get back the most relevant answers to inform your training plan.

A training survey can tell you if your training program is on track or falling off the rails. And a training need analysis questionnaire can help you identify the type of training needed in an organization.

Table of Contents: Employee Training Survey Questions

Keep on scrolling down this page to read each section or click any link below to go directly to that section.

1. What Is a Training Survey Used For?
2. What Is a Training Needs Assessment Questionnaire?
3. What Is a Training Evaluation Questionnaire?
4. Who Should Fill Out A Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire or Post Training Survey?
5. What Should You Know When Making a Training and Development Questionnaire or Training Survey?
6. Training Survey Questions for Employees & Leadership (Samples)
          a. Types of Training Assessment Form Questions
          b. Training Needs Survey Questions for Employees
          c. Training Needs Survey Questions for Managers
          d. Training Needs Survey Questions for Executives
          e. Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Employees
          f. Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Managers
          g. Post Training Questionnaire for Trainers
7. OCMS Portal’s Training Management & Training Needs Assessment Tool
8. Conclusion – Post Training Survey Questions & TNA Questionnaire
9. FAQ | Manager & Employee Training Survey Questions

OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool with Training Needs Assessment Questionnaire for Employees & Managers

training needs survey questions for employees template

This innovative software gives you a single place to assess, manage, and evaluate training, it also includes training needs analysis questionnaire templates.

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What Is a Training Survey Used For?

When planning and implementing a training program, a training survey can be used at various points in the process to provide insightful information. The training needs survey questions for employees template can help identify what types of training topics to plan and implement.

Whereas the training questionnaire given to trainees after taking a training offers important insights into whether training met the intended goals, and what could be done to make the training more successful if needed.

Two types of surveys that you’ll run across often in the training area are the:

  • Training Needs Questionnaire
  • Training Evaluation Questionnaire

These two types of training and development questionnaire types bookend the entire training process, so it’s important to understand and use both of these training assessment forms.

Next, we’ll discuss both the training needs analysis survey and training assessment form in more detail.

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Please let us know if you have any questions or comments regarding this article about training needs assessment interview questions, training needs survey form options, and employee training needs assessment questionnaire templates.

What Is a Training Needs Assessment Questionnaire?

First, we’ll take a look at the training needs assessment survey. This is the training survey that will be used at the beginning of any training planning process.

Training needs assessment questionnaire templates are used to identify where training is required to bolster skills and knowledge in the organization. For example, a needs assessment questionnaire for employees may be given to gauge the technical knowledge of staff before a switch to a new software tool. If the training needs questionnaire for employees shows that staff doesn’t know much, then training is indicated.

Another example of a training needs analysis questionnaire is one that is given to executives or supervisors of teams. This may ask questions related to performance KPIs and where performance is lacking.

The training team then uses the answers from the leadership training needs assessment questionnaire to look for skills and knowledge gaps related to performance that training can help fill.

A training needs survey template is also often used at the beginning of change management support for a project. Once a general idea of who needs to be trained and the goals of the training are determined, a training needs analysis questionnaire for managers or training need identification questionnaire for employees can be sent out to determine things like the level of training needed and the receptiveness to being trained.

As the name suggests, the training needs assessment survey questions are all related to what is needed to improve the skills of employees so they can match organizational or project goals.

Example of a training needs analysis questionnaire from OCMS Portal’s Training Management Survey Tool

questionnaire training needs assessment sample questions

How to identify employee training needs is easier when you have a pre-formatted training need analysis questionnaire! Learn more about OCMS Portal with Training Management Survey Tool.

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Do you have questions about training needs analysis methods? Need a training needs survey questions for employees template that you can edit? Looking for the easiest way to import answers to questionnaire training needs assessment sample questions? Please reach out and let us know. We can help!

What Is a Training Evaluation Questionnaire?

The second type of training survey that we mentioned earlier was the training evaluation questionnaire. Unlike the training needs assessment form, which is used to help plan and prioritize the type of training topics needed, this training questionnaire is given after training has been completed.


The employee training survey questions on the post-training assessment form are designed to evaluate the training delivery and to determine if it adequately meets its goals.


While the training needs assessment format is typically more flexible as to when you give the employees, executives, or managers the TNA questionnaire, when giving a post-training survey, it’s helpful if you can give it immediately at the end of the training, as part of the session.


The reason to give the employee training survey questions right after training has been done, and before everyone disperses, is twofold. First, the training will be fresh in their minds, so you’ll get their immediate impressions of how helpful it was. Second, you have a better chance to get more people to fill out the training survey if given immediately after the training session ends.

Example of a Post Training Assessment Form from OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool

Employee Training Survey Questions

The employee training survey questions in the OCMS Portal’s training management tool are designed to easily import into your training management template.

Who Should Fill Out a Training Needs Analysis Questionnaire or a Post Training Survey?

When doing a needs assessment in training and development or sending a training survey to evaluate training effectiveness, you need to know who to give the survey to. Do you give it to the individual trainees? To trainee group managers? To someone else?

Your training needs assessment sample questions may be sent to one or all of the above. We’ll explain below.

In the case of training needs assessment questions, who you give them to will depend on a few things:

  • What is the reason for the training needs assessment? Is it to address performance issues, related to an upcoming company transition, or something else?
  • Is the training needs assessment questionnaire for employees to learn their level of receptiveness or knowledge about a topic?
  • Is the training being tracked at the organizational level or the individual level?
  • How feasible is it to send a training needs assessment form for employees considering the number of people you would need to send it to?

When conducting a needs assessment for training or a post training survey, here are a few examples of who you would send the training needs questionnaire to and why.


If the reason for the training needs analysis survey is continuous improvement of the organization and not a specific project, then you might send the training needs assessment interview questions to executives.

In this case, you will want to ask things like their performance goals, areas of the company where KPIs are lagging, and future growth goals.

For a post training survey, it would not typically be given to executives (unless they were also trainees). However, in some instances, you may want to send it a month or two after the employee training to see if performance indicators have improved.

Jump to Training Needs Survey Questions for Executives

Managers of Trainee Groups

You might send a training needs analysis questionnaire for managers if you are tracking training at the group-level, rather than by individual trainees. Managers may also be a target audience for a sample questionnaire for training needs assessment in the case of performance issues in their department.

Jump to Training Needs Survey Questions for Managers

Likewise, the training questionnaire for training evaluation after training delivery would be sent to managers of trained groups if you are tracking training at the group level. You may also want to survey managers in tandem with sending employee training survey questions post training to get their perspectives.

Jump to Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Managers


You will most likely be sending a needs assessment questionnaire for employees when you are conducting training at the individual level. Employees are also the audience for a training needs assessment survey as part of ongoing staff development when the organization wants to identify an employee’s interests in further career and skills learning.

Jump to Training Needs Survey Questions for Employees

In most cases, the ideal people to give a post training survey is the employees or other trainee group that have just completed the training. This way you get feedback directly from the targets of the training.

Jump to Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Employees


There may be a situation where you’ll want to give a post training survey to the trainers that conducted the training. This can help you get their perspective on how trainees grasped the information as well as the ease of training delivery. For example, did they have all the resources they needed?

Jump to Post Training Questionnaire for Trainers

Making a Case for Change Management

Do you have questions about different training needs assessment formats? Are you looking for easy-to-use training needs analysis methods or a training need analysis questionnaire you can use to improve training effectiveness? If so, let us know.

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What Should You Know When Making a Training and Development Questionnaire or Training Survey?

Whether you are making a leadership training needs assessment questionnaire, training needs assessment questionnaire templates for employees, or training needs survey form of another type, there are a few things to know to make your workflow easier.

First, you should tailor the training survey to the audience. Don’t just assume the default format you get in free employee training needs assessment questionnaire templates can be used without any edits. It’s best to personalize the training questionnaire for the recipients.

Next, use a delivery method for the post training evaluation or training needs assessment survey questions that make it easy for everyone. A cloud-based training survey will be the easiest for recipients to fill out, and you can often download the results in an Excel file, already collated for you.

Another tip is to create the training needs survey template or post-training questionnaire with tracking and charting in mind. This means adding some multiple-choice questions that can then be graphed to provide visual insights.

Below is an example of a training needs analysis questionnaire chart based on multi-choice options that were included in a training need identification questionnaire for employees.

Training Needs Analysis Survey

OCMS Portal’s Training Tool Survey Dashboard showing results from a training needs questionnaire for employees.

Training Survey Questions for Employees & Leadership (Samples)

Next, we’ve got a whole slew of questions you can use for training and development questionnaires. These include questions for a training needs analysis questionnaire for executives, a training need analysis questionnaire for managers, and a training needs assessment form for employees.

Post-delivery training and development questionnaire questions are also included. You’ll find employee training survey questions, as well as questions for a training assessment form for managers and trainers.

Feel free to use these questionnaire training needs assessment sample questions in your training evaluation activities. If you know of any training survey questions that we should add, please let us know. We work to make this the best training needs survey questions for employees template we can!

Types of Training Assessment Form Questions

Before we jump into the different training assessment template questions, we will quickly go over a few of the different types of questions you can use on a training needs assessment questionnaire for employees, managers, or others.

Open-ended Questions

Open-ended questions cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. They require the respondent to fill in their thoughts. This is a good format to use for training needs assessment sample questions where you want someone to answer what skills or knowledge they would like to gain.

Multiple Choice Questions

When conducting needs assessment in training and development, it’s helpful to have some multiple-choice questions. These allow you to graph or chart the answers, which makes it easier to identify insights and actions needed from training needs assessment questions.

Likert Scale

A Likert Scale asks the respondent to indicate their level of agreement with a certain statement. This is another helpful format you can use when conducting a needs analysis that can be translated into a graph or chart.

Rating Scale

A rating scale may be more useful on a post-delivery training survey than a training needs assessment sample survey. For example, you could use a rating scale to ask the trainees to rate the training effectiveness or the trainer’s training delivery.

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Tool

Please feel free to reach out anytime if you have questions about making a training needs questionnaire, training needs assessment interview questions, a leadership training needs assessment questionnaire, or a needs assessment questionnaire for employees. We’ll be happy to help!

Training Needs Survey Questions for Employees

Following are several questions you can use for employee training needs assessment questionnaire templates.

1. Choose the top 3 career skills you feel are most important to organizational excellence:

  • Teamwork skills
  • Software tools skills
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Technical knowledge of a process/system
  • Skills for being organized
  • Presentation/public speaking skills

2. Choose the top 3 career skills that are most important to you personally.

  • Teamwork skills
  • Software tools skills
  • Communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Technical knowledge of a process/system
  • Skills for being organized
  • Presentation/public speaking skills

3. What level of training do you feel is needed to adopt this new (role, process, tool, or system)?

  • High
  • Mid
  • Low
  • Unsure

4. How do you prefer to receive training?

  • Classroom, in person
  • Classroom, virtual
  • Live webinar
  • On-demand videos
  • One-on-one training
  • Peer-led training
  • Self-paced learning
  • On-the-job training

5. How important is training to your continued career development?

  • Very important
  • Somewhat important
  • Slightly important
  • Not very important
  • Not important at all

6. When is the last time you received training on any subject from the company?

7. What skills do you feel you need to successfully adopt this new (role, process, tool, system)?

8. What skills do you feel you are lacking for your own career development?

9. What’s your level of receptiveness to being trained on this new (role, process, tool, or system)?

  • High
  • Mid
  • Low

10. How much time do you have in your week for training activities?

  • 1 hour or less
  • 1-2 hours
  • 2-3 hours
  • 4+ hours
  • Unsure

Training Needs Survey Questions for Managers

These are questions that can be used for a training needs analysis survey directed at managers.

11. What level of training do you feel is needed for your team to adopt this new (role, process, tool, or system)?

  • High
  • Mid
  • Low
  • Unsure

12. List any specific skills that you feel would strengthen your team if they received formal training for them.

13. What is your level of agreement with this question? “I feel my team has all the skills they need to perform at peak efficiency in my department.”

  • Strongly agree
  • Slightly agree
  • Neutral
  • Slightly disagree
  • Strongly disagree

14. List goals you have for your department in the future that may require employees that you manage to learn new skills.

15. Has your team shown improvement in the past as a result of the training? If so, please list the type of training.

16. How much time in a week would you be comfortable having your team attend training activities?

  • 1 hour or less
  • 1-2 hours
  • 2-3 hours
  • 4+ hours
  • Unsure

Training Needs Survey Questions for Executives

For training needs assessment questionnaire templates for executives, you can use the following set of questions.

17. What are the company’s goals for the next 12 months?

18. What areas of the company do you feel could be strengthened by bolstering employee knowledge and skills?

19. List any recent organizational key performance indicators that you are worried about.

20. How important is ongoing staff training and development to the organization’s mission?

  • Very important
  • Somewhat important
  • Slightly important
  • Not very important
  • Not important at all

21. Choose the 3 skills that you feel are most important for the organization’s employees to have.

  • Communications
  • Good customer rapport
  • Team collaboration
  • Public speaking
  • Software skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Leadership
  • Delegation
  • Strategic decision-making
  • Cybersecurity awareness
  • Problem-solving

22. List what you consider the top 2 performing departments and bottom 2 performing departments in the organization.

Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Employees

In this section are questions you can use for a training and development questionnaire designed to evaluate the effectiveness of training.

23. Did you find the training relevant to your work?

24. Use a 1 to 5 scale, with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst, to rate how helpful the training was to you.

25. Was the training relevant to your job role or a desired future job role?

26. Do you feel you need more training to fully grasp the material presented in the training?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

27. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst, how would you rate the delivery of the training by the trainer(s)?

28. Were you able to get answers to all your questions during the training?

29. How was the pace of the training?

  • Too much, too fast
  • Just right
  • Too slow and repetitive

30. Did you feel that the trainer(s) engaged with you well during the training?

31, How did the training meet your expectations?

  • Better than expected
  • Just as expected
  • Worse than expected

32. Please provide suggestions on how the training could be improved in the future.

Training Evaluation Questionnaire for Managers

The following questions can be given to managers of groups that attended training to gather their input as to the effectiveness of that training.

33. Do you feel the training provided was relevant to the employees you manage?

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes, a little
  • Unsure
  • Not quite
  • Not at all

34. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the best and 1 being the worst, how would you rate the delivery of the training by the trainer(s)?

35. Did the Training Team work with you to coordinate training with your department’s staffing needs?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not applicable

36. Do you feel your team needs more training to fully grasp the material presented in the training?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

37. Have you observed any positive impacts yet from the staff training?

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes, a little
  • Unsure
  • Not quite
  • Not at all

38. Based on this training, would you be interested in having your staff trained on other skills?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe

Post Training Questionnaire for Trainers

Once training has been delivered, it can be helpful to send a training survey to trainers. Here are some of the questions you can use for this type of training and development questionnaire.

39. Did you feel that trainees were engaged in the training material?

  • Yes, a lot
  • Yes, a little
  • Unsure
  • Not quite
  • Not at all

40. Did you have all the training resources you needed? If not, please note what was lacking.

41. How well did the training delivery timing match the needs of the trainees?

  • We could have used more time
  • Timing was just right
  • We could have accomplished training in less time

42. What things that went well should be incorporated into future company training programs?

43. What things could have been done better with the training planning and delivery?

44. Did the technology run smoothly during the training? (software, video conferencing, etc.)

  • Yes, everything worked as it should
  • Yes, with just a few small issues
  • No, but it didn’t hurt training delivery
  • No, and it compromised training delivery

All-in-One Organizational Change Management Templates Software

Do you know more questions to use when conducting a needs assessment for training to use on a training needs survey form? Do you have a sample questionnaire for training needs assessment you’d like to share with other training professionals? We’d love to hear from you!

OCMS Portal’s Training Management Tool with Training Evaluation & Training Needs Analysis Questionnaires

OCMS Portal is an end-to-end change management software. Its Training Management Tool is a comprehensive platform for all your training assessment, management, and evaluation activities. It’s based on the best practices for training needs analysis methods and training evaluation. You can easily switch between trainees and training course views to get a full picture of your training planning and execution.

The analytics dashboard provides actionable insights based on your training management activities and the training need analysis questionnaire provided to trainees. Export insights and have results from a training needs assessment format into a handy PDF report. 

The OCMS Portal’s Free Resources area includes helpful tips on how to identify employee training needs, set up training programs, and more. There is also a project Tasks Checklist with training needs assessment and planning checklist.

free change management training templates

OCMS Portal’s free training resources to help with a needs assessment in training and development, training planning, and training delivery evaluation.

Key includes with the OCMS Portal’s Training Management Software Tool:

  • Training course planning template
  • Trainee course status
  • Trainee calendar
  • Surveys for conducting a needs analysis and post training evaluation
  • Training reporting and analytics
  • Video tutorials, guides, and more
OCM Toolkit Software for Change Managers

Click below to test drive this one-of-a-kind training management tool and OCM software with training needs assessment form for employees today. Get instant access as soon as you sign up.

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OCMS Portal with Training Needs Analysis & Management Tool – Start Your Free Trial Now

Conclusion – Post Training Survey Questions & TNA Questionnaire

There are several training needs analysis methods you can use when developing a training program for an organization. One of the most important things to remember is to get feedback, both before training is planned and after it has been delivered.

A training needs analysis questionnaire helps to ensure that training planning is goal oriented and has a better chance of hitting the mark. Post-training surveys are a critical follow-up to ensure that training met its objectives.

We hope that this collection of training and development questionnaire questions is helpful to you when you’re enabling your team with new skills and knowledge.

FAQ | Manager & Employee Training Survey Questions

How do you create a training survey?

To create a training survey or training and development questionnaire, you must first decide on the target audience for the survey. Is it employees? Trainees’ managers? Another group?

Then, you need to decide what information you’ll be gathering. For example, are you making a post-training evaluation questionnaire or training need analysis questionnaire?

How do you measure training effectiveness?

You can use a training assessment form after training has been given to measure training effectiveness from the trainees’ perspective. Another way to understand how successful training has been is through measurement of trainee performance in using the newly trained skills.

How do you track staff training?

You should use a training management template to track staff training. It should include a place to input your training topics, training audience, and feedback from your training needs assessment questionnaire for employees or managers.

One of the most versatile training tracking software tools is included in the OCMS Portal - all-in-one change management software. Copy/paste this link into your browser to learn more about it:

Why is a training survey important?

A training survey is an important tool for planning and conducting successful training programs. One of the best training needs analysis methods is to survey those involved in training about their training needs and how well they feel the training was delivered.

Without using surveys that facilitate how to identify employee training needs, you’re really just guessing at what is needed and whether or not training met objectives and goals.

Note: Content on OCM Solution's website is protected by copyright. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this OCM Solutions page, please reach out to Ogbe Airiodion (Change Management Lead) or the OCM Solutions Team today. OCM Solution was previously known as Airiodion Global Services (AGS).

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