List of AGS Change Impacts & Assessment Toolkits
  1. Organizational Change Impacts Assessment
  2. Social Impact Assessment Toolkit
  3. Economic Impact Assessment Toolkit
  4. Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit
  5. Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit
  6. Process Impact Assessment Template

(1) Organizational Change Impacts Assessment

Use the AGS organizational change impact assessment tool (with Excel and online versions) to conduct all aspects of your business impact analysis, including assessing the various impacts to people, job functions, tools, technology, business processes, culture, and policies.

Read more: Change Impacts Assessment Toolkit.

(2) Social Impact Assessment Toolkit

The AGS Social Impact Assessment Toolkit (Excel and cloud version) can be used to conduct an assessment when a project, program, plan, or policy is going to have a social impact on the population of a specific geographical area, city, state, country or a particular group.

Rather than trying to wrangle several spreadsheets to bring together key data on the level of social impact, public awareness and perception, severity and level of impact, and more, this Social Impact Assessment Template gives you one place to input and view all your data.

Read more: Social Impacts & Assessment Toolkit.

(3) Economic Impact Assessment Toolkit

The AGS Economic Assessment & Management Toolkit (with Excel, downloadable and Cloud versions) can be used to conduct key economic impact assessment to determine a project, program, or policy’s monetary impact on a specific geographical area, city, state, industry, or group.

Auto-calculations for several economic assessment values save you time. You also get real-time analytics that flow into your dashboard as you enter key pieces of data, making it easy to see how different inputs can change overall project value.

Read more: Economic Impacts & Assessment Toolkit.

(4) Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit

The AGS Privacy Impact Assessment Toolkit (with template & dashboard) – Excel and Cloud versions – can be used to help organizations understand how personally identifiable information (PII) is being collected, used, and stored within their organization.

This type of privacy assessment is typically performed at the beginning of a project, new vendor relationship, new software implementation, or in conjunction with an organizational change of some kind.

Read more: Privacy Impacts & Assessment Toolkit.

(5) Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit

The AGS Data Protection Impact Assessment Toolkit can be used to help organizations assess and meet compliance needs for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation.

The AGS DPIA Assessment Toolkit is based directly on the GDPR regulation and includes the data recommended to be reported upon during this type of data privacy assessment. Further, the AGS Data Protection Impact Assessment Template brings together all your data into a single place for easier tracking.

Read more: Data Protection Impacts & Assessment Toolkit.

(6) Process Impact Assessment Template & Management Tool

AGS’ process impact assessment tool (with Excel and online versions) is a toolkit that you can use to conduct all aspects of your process change impact analysis.

The Template is already set up to gather data according to change management best practices, incorporated from several methodologies. You can also easily add your own columns anywhere you like to capture the additional data you want.

Read more: Data Protection Impacts & Assessment Toolkit.